
The Polygon

Don’t worry, this isn’t about math..

A polygon is a geometric form consisting of 3 or more sides (eg: triangle, square, pentagon). Each line of those sides has maybe different angles or lengths. Some have short length but have a wide angle span, and some are long with little angle span..

Now, imagine that there are a certain amount of people in a huge pentagon (or any other polygonal shape) room. Someone asked them to choose a particular area in that room and they are free to pick any part of the room. It’s safe to assume that for them to choose, they will consider the side’s length, angle, where it faces and such. And they will probably choose the side which fills up to their interest.

Now hear me out..

I don’t know bout u, but i think all our lives we have been living in this scenario. LIVING IN A POLYGON WORLD, where u have to actually CHOOSE A SIDE! For example... the most fit situation that i could think of.. is politics. I think politics is the most fucking waste of money and energy the people put up with. How many people u think right now fight strong and hard for their stand? Claiming that the party they support is the best party among others? And saying that other parties are just shit wrong.. and they try very hard to convince other people to join their side. Spending who-the-fuck-knows how many money just to convince people they are right (thru campaign). And beat the crap out of all those who oppose (literally, beat the crap out of them). Now they claim that by having all those parties (sides), it is considered as an act of democracy. Power to the people! Lets be real for a moment. What kind of democracy r u talkin bout? The freedom of choice? Well the only freedom they get is choosing all those menteri2. Then what? Do they follow what the people want and say? Naa.. seems like we only vote for ‘who gets all the people’s money’ and ‘who gets to say something in front of a camera’ guy. Then its back to the communist movement.. alright thats enough bout politics (saving myself from late nite assassin visits)..

Now the question that u gotta ask yourself is.. WHY? Why the hell do u actually have to pick a side? To prove that you’re right? To prove that they’re wrong? Or just for the fun of it??

If u know for damn sure that youre right, why are u sooooo buzy trying to prove u are right rather than actually DO THE RIGHT? Think again... does choosing a side actually brings u closer to what u want? Or does it SEPARATES US MORE?

Seems like people are too busy choosing the sides of the polygon rather than choosing the center of the polygon. Or better yet, lets break down that polygon. And built up a new form. Maybe a circle. And let us all stand right at the center. The one that they all have in common. The one that sees all. The one that unites all.

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Anonymous said...

and thats what POLITICS is all about dude... politics, no drama...people love drama! haha...

Stereo Mouth said...

and risk being called a drama-queen?? never!!

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