
The Gap That’s Filled With Dust

Think i’m going psycho with this one...

Holographic lies, is what worries me most in this world. What it shows is never what it is. All along we were left to believe this fake image of the world. And that theres nothing to be scared of. Sickness appears to be health. War appears to be peaceful. Revenge appears to be justice. Oppression appears to be equality. Hell appears to be heaven.

And where does all this went wrong? Where does it all came from? If u ask me, then i think maybe its because everything that’s around us nowdays are filled with lies. A kind of lies that u see as truth. And that lie is projected in such a way that is backed up with another lie or sometimes even backed up with truths. Lies on top of another lies is what it is. Layers of it, that when u can peel and break through one layer, u will feel that u have been freed from a lie, but its just another layer appearing infront of u. Chaining u in the same cage as before while leaving u deceived of being free as a bird. Making that holographic lie seems as the concrete truth. And your brain seems oh so helpless. That once it senses that what it believe to be true is a lie, it will go in denial. It will reject these feelings of being deceived, so that your comfortable, fake world is safe. And you can go back with your lives with those repetitive routine that u hold firm.

Somehow we were blurred about which is a lie, which is the truth, and how they are manipulated.

Take this situation for instance:

There’s a guy who people see as the most truthful person they ever met. And by that i mean he never told a lie (ever!) to anyone. Like u can even ask him what’s his favourite porn video and yeah, he’ll tell u the details. Then one day he makes a 100 statements to u, like saying; the world is round, the sea is salty, fire is hot, etc. (lame statements, i know).. and about 99% of those statement, u believe it because u know it’s true. Any idiot would agree on those statements because they all know its true.... but there’s this one statement that kind of confuses u. That makes u go “Hmm... i don’t know that. But then again i never heard of it”.. So what do u do? Well, the guy’s pretty honest all his life. And so far u know he’s telling the truth. So logically, would u believe him??

Yeah you would..

That’s dangerous right there. “To believe what u know nothing about”. That’s a disease worse than AIDS. U believed him simply on the fact that he’s been truthful all his life. He’s just a guy, far less a prophet! Who knows maybe that one small lie is the one that affects u the most.

The same goes to the vice-versa of the situation above, which is a liar telling 99lies and one truth. Don’t simply say he’s telling a lie without u knowing it IS a lie. Because what seems like a lie can also be the truth! (i think theres a fairy tale about this)

Then theres how the confusing lie become truth..

Let me explain this in a weird way. Take this for instance:

We all know that: 2x2=4 4/1=4 √16 =4

But then the math teacher comes up and erases all those (logic) equations and come up with a ‘better’ equation..


Teacher’s reason:

B is the 2nd number of the alphabet sequence

So: B = 2 I = 9 T = 20 C = 3 H = 8 S = 19 L = 12 A = 1 P = 16

Negative (-) plus with positive (+) is neutral

- + - + - - + + = neutral

Add to BITCHSLAP, u get:

B-I+T-C+H-S-L+A+P = 4,

2 - 9 + 20 - 3 +8 -19 - 12 +1 + 16 = 4

Therefore: BITCHSLAP = 4

And all the children applauded the teacher because finally all the alphabets in a math question make sense. And then whenever the kids were asked does the equation ‘2+2=4’ correct, they would answer no, because they were thought, that BITCHSLAP = 4. And NOTHING ELSE in the world would also equal to 4..

So what’s this situation represents then?

It represents that although sometimes there are questions which have only one answer, there are also some questions that have many answers. And sometimes the answers are soo many, that its hard to figure out which one is the rightful, true answer; and which one is the (smartly dumb) idiotic explanation to the question.

Let me ask u something, if u want to do a research on a subject, let say about the world war 2, where would u research on it? The internet? Books? Interviews? Well that’s all the resource u can get right? Then how do u know, that all the information they give u is rightful truth? I mean, really, what they say really do go down in history? What if something happened during that war that needed to be covered from the public? Something that if its exposed, would really show the true intention of the war? Or which party are really the predator and the victim of the war? What if they twist the facts that make the evil look good and the good look bad? We know all of this is in the past and theres no way u could know it for sure what really happens. Me? Well I only take history as a fairytale. People write books about it. But that doesn’t mean i have to believe it. Because there is too much blurry spots that there is in no way i could know any of it is true for sure.

I saw this news once about some students that were given a task to do a research and a presentation on extinct animals. One of the group look up on the internet and found a subject, which is the tree climbing octopus. What the students don’t know is, that the tree climbing octopus is actually a fake, made-up animal by someone, and that someone make up a website about the octopus. The website shows incredible details on the octopus characters that it seems believable! The students naively believed in that octopus, and all of them failed the class.

(Wiki it here

And i don’t think these children are to blame. In fact, we did the same thing didn’t we? If u want to look up and do a bit of research about something, where’s the first place u look? The internet. Who wrote it? I dunno. Some guy with a Ph.D, at least, thats what it says in the article.. Then u look up on books. Who wrote it? Oh, its the same guy. Or maybe another guy that refers to the same guy. Then u look up on the names of the ones who wrote those articles. Oh, they all learn it from the same teacher. And many of those teachers learn from another single teacher.. I have a theory (or maybe i’ve heard it somewhere), that if everybody believe in one lie, that lie will appear more as truth. Have u ever thought that maybe when u see all these professors saying the same thing is actually because they all learn it from the same teacher? What looks like ALL these points of views are agreeing at the same thing is actually just ONE POINT OF VIEW! Imagine if the teachers’ teacher lied about one fact. Those teachers would all naively believe their teacher. And the teachers will teach the students the same thing and the students would also naively believe in it. Making everyone to believe the same lie, and making the lie to be very concrete because everyone seems to agree with it! Therefore, the lie appears to be more true when there are more people believing in it!

This is exactly what i mean! All the resource we know, about all the things that what u may believe to have happened, or the achievements we have made, the wars, conspiracy, politics, society, all the shit that u thought to be true, QUESTION IT! Question all of it! And believe in only what u know to be true, that u see it for yourself and was proven in front of u. Because who knows, that what u know right now is all another lie that they’ve created for u to believe, and hide the truth for their own benefit.

So now i ask u, to please please pleeeeaaaseee open not just your eyes, but also your mind. Find out the missing pieces of the gaps in your life. And put the pieces together so that u can see the bigger than the biggest picture of it all. And see how all of them relates, and how all of them deceives. So that no more will those gaps be filled with dusty lies. And lets clean up this gap that’s filled with dust.

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