
The Leaking Head

The leaking head...The one that always be hollow no matter what u pile it up... The one that can never be filled... i wonder how someone can live with a leaking head. Do they try to cover it with their hands and hope that whatever they fill their heads wont leak out? Maybe.. But at some point their hands must be tired and that hole wont be sealed no more..

U must wonder what the hell im talking about huh.. let me explain then...

Have u ever seen or heard something that really makes u rethink about the world? Rethink that all this jolly happy world maybe just a mirage people see for their comfort and cover up whats the reality of it? How destructing we are and how manipulative, how populicide (killing all humans) we are.. Like if when u find out that we are contributing to global warming; or millions of children are starving to death while we keep wasting our food; or how obsessive we are with money that we don’t mind destroying ourselves..

And maybe at an instance, u have an epiphany, a sudden realization that something must be done to change all the wrong in your life for the good.. u are determined to transform your life so that no more will u be blind an let all the wrong to continue..

And then...SNAP!!... u’ll go on with your lives like nothing happens... like u didn’t even care in the first place!!... And when people ask u about it, u’ll say “yeah i know about it.. That is just damn wrong.. We need to do something about that”.. and yet, u still did nothing about it!

And thats the leaking head... its like no matter what u see or hear that makes u want to do something good out of it, u fall to relapse.. Fall back to your normal lives as if u didn’t even care or too lazy to do anything about it.. Like nothing can ever get in and stick in your head, because it all will just leak out somehow..

But here’s the sarcastically funny part... If somehow u fall into being the victim of it, like if someday u are the one being jobless, foodless and left to die on the streets, u will be the one bitching around and get pissed at everybody coz they don’t even care or mind about u... well hey, they’re just being you!

So plaster that head of yours people! So that there will be no waste of what is important from all that leaking head of yours....

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