
The Hypocrite

Lets face it... We all have been in several episodes of seeing someone being a hypocrite.. And don’t even lie, sometimes even we are the hypocrite.. Sure, we hate these hippos. We say they are just assholes that do exactly the opposite of what they say not to do... Take this situation for instance..

Dude A: Dude, u finished your part in that assignment report yet? U know we gonna need it for tomorrows presentation.

Dude B: No dude.. I haven’t even started it yet. I was too buzy thinking what the world would be like if homeworks were never invented... i’ll finish it up later..

Dude A: Wuttafuck dude! We need it tomorrow! U know how important this is for us? If we don’t finish it, then we gotta repeat the class again next sem! And we already repeat it like 5 times before! Fuck! Why the hell u always delaying your work? U know that’s gonna fuck us up right? Go do it now dude!

Dude B: Wuttahell dude. Why u goin all crazy like that! U didn’t even start on your part of the work yourself! And im pretty sure u dont even know whats the assignments all about! Tell u what, u go do your part first, then u can tell me to go do my part..

Now this situations pretty clear.. Dude A is being the hypocrite.. And we all know that he’s wrong in this. But thats typical. What about Dude B then? Apart from he’s being an asshole from delaying his work, is he innocent... well, of course NOT!

Think about it. Although Dude A’s being a hypocrite, does that make his advice to Dude B to be unacceptable?

Of course its wrong for Dude B to delay his work. And its right to advice Dude B to go do his work immediately.. but just because the advise came from a hypocrite, Dude B refuses to follow the advise... THATS THE MAIN PROBLEM!

And that problem lies in most of us now.. We tend to focus on the one giving the message rather than focus on the message itself.. Imagine if theres a serial killer giving a speech about the importance of family values. Do we even follow what he says? Im pretty sure we wont. But if theres a kind-hearted man, giving THE SAME SPEECH about the importance of family values just as the killer did, do we follow him? Chances are, we will...

The problem now is not the message or the people giving the message, the problem is us. We refuse to actually see the message itself and forget about whos giving the message.

So change the way u think people. And try to separate between the true important message, and the unimportant messenger.. And who knows, sometimes we need a hypocrite to tell us what to do..

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