
The Clown In The Mirror

Not for the Coulrophobia (clown phobia)

“Hello boys and girls! We have a very special guest for you all tonight. Someone that will tickle your funny bone until it breaks in half and requires 3 surgeries to heal it and let your parents pay all the medical bills that’ll make sure you stay poor for the rest of your grandchildren’s life. May i introduce to you, The Clown In The Mirror! (applause in the audience. And by ‘audience’ i mean people reading this blog. APPLAUSE DAMMIT!!)”

Who is this clown in the mirror? Is the clown a ghost, trying to be funny? A clown that’s stuck inside a thin layer of glass in a mirror? Or maybe it’s just me being delusional, because u know, I’m not right in the head (i need some therapy and a huge dose of medicinal laughter to get by the day) haha!

Well go ahead and check it out. Find a mirror, look at it, and tell me, isn’t that the most ugly assholic face you’ve ever seen? Because if it’s not, well i think your glass is broken. Or maybe you’re just bragging about how beautiful you are (sounds delusional to me). Or maybe you’re actually seeing a picture of a beauty model sandwiched between a glass (which i seriously doubt u look like them. But if u are, gimme a call! ;-)).. Haha.

Who is this clown?

Well, if u did look at a mirror, then u already know the answer right? The clown is in fact, us. Stuck inside an inverted world that projects what our world looks like. And also what we look like. They share the same faces as us, the same hairstyles, wearing the same clothes, sharing the same dream, and sharing the same emotions. Always mimicking what we do and what we show (the clown is also a mime!). The only difference is, they are stuck inside a rectangular (or any other) shaped mirror and are inverted horizontally. Our right is their left. And our left is their right.

So what’s up clown?

You’re probably wondering why is this clown bother to show up dressing like you didn’t you. I mean, the clown can dress up like anyone he/she wants. He could be as hot as Halle Berry or as gay as Adam Lambert (although if would be a nightmare if one day you look at a mirror and suddenly saw him. Haha!) But no. Out of all the people the clown could be, he/she chooses to dress up and be like you. Why? Well i don’t know why. Ask the clown (make sure you’re alone first if you wanna ask the clown, boys and girls. You don’t want mommy and daddy to worry about you now do you?)

So what do you want clown?

Well the clown wants what every clown wants. That is to bring laughter to everyone with lame jokes, colourful tight-together napkins, and helium balloons. So what do we do boys and girls? It’s not nice to not give a good respond now is it? The clowns got a crappy job and a crappy life. At least we could do is to show the clown we’re having a good time. Let us all laugh then shall we. Let us all laugh at the pitiful clown. It is what he/she wanted. So lets put on our fake smiles, sarcastic claps, and laugh.











Okay thats enough of laughter for one blog posts. (Booooo!)

So boys and girls, let us all learn to keep laughing at the clown in the mirror. And keep him/her feel good about himself. Because if the clowns happy, then you’re happy (the clowns is you anyway right?). And don’t show a frown, sad face to the clown. Because like any entertainer, the clown always wants to see a smiley face from the audience.

p/s: this only applies to clowns... if its a magician, you better make his life miserable! Damn magician. I’ll kick you in the nut sack!

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Anonymous said...

haha. it reminds me of these words:
"mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the butthurt after all".

Anonymous said...

fap fap fap (giving applause). lulz.

erm. some clowns might as well kill people. dont u think so? er. should i gv u a call? KAHKAHKAH.

Stereo Mouth said...

clowns that kill people? well we dont call them clowns. we call them politicians.... hahaha

call me? sure.. but make sure u look like scarlett johansson first... then we can chat all nite baby! hahaha!!

± said...

ok, i admit that i'm a coulrophobia but i still have the guts to kick the clown in the ass. how's that sound? a moron tryin to be cool? haha

dammit pennywise!

Stereo Mouth said...

dark half: i would pay to see that.. haha!

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