
Zombies and Society

If its one thing that i know from watching a zombie movie (and yes, i do watch a lot of it), then i guess it would be that we live among them in reality.

I don’t mean it like the flesh-eating zombies you see in movies; zombies killing every motherfucker that don’t have bad skin diseases like them. But i do see the similarities in this society. 

So here's the comparison:

1. Origin / Cause
The infectious or contagious cause.

Zombie movie
- A mutative virus (Resident Evil called them T-virus) that acts like a parasite to the human brain, turning them into zombies.

Real-life society
- Could be anything. Fashion, status, trend, race, beliefs, ideas, etc.

2. The Pandemic
A huge-scale spread of the cause. Influencing others.

Zombie movie
- The virus was caught by a person. The person turned into a zombie and bites/kill others and turns them into zombies. They spread, growing in a geometric progression.
Real-life society
- Same thing. A small group of people likes a trend, and they influence others. Or some even blindly wanted to join the trend (a big middle-finger to you fashion sluts!). They began to expand.

3. The Killing
                The elimination of the other kind, the ones who are different from them.

Zombie movie
- The zombies kill any non-zombie humans.

Real-life society
- They disagree with other trends. Argue, fight, conflict, campaign, genocide, war, etc.

4. Aftermath
                The end-results.

Zombie movie 
- They die!

Real-life society
- Nothing good. (They possibly die, too)

And, like in the movies, the only way to stop these living zombies... with a big ass shotgun!

So, boys and girls, don’t get sucked into the pile of zombie mosh-pit.

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