
The Foreword

"roti kosong teh tarik".... my personal favourite order at the local mamak restaurant.. its simple. its fast. its easy. enough to munch during a borak2 with ma frenz while we lepak2.. so i think, since this blogs gonna be about me borak about stuff, maybe this term is suitable as my blog title.

firstly lemme say sumthin bout diz blog,
its a simple blog that i write bout my personal point of view about anything.. yes, anything.. music, art, history, society, u name it... and since it is about anything with major focus, keep in mind that there wont be any sequence to my post. i may change my topic dramatically form post to post..

this blog is NOT my diary and never will be... so youre safe from fatal boredness...

anything in this blog is just my human, small-brained point of view. dont take it as a fact laaa... and i may say something hypocrite.. haha..

any of u thats close-minded, cannot take any conflicting point of view, dont understand sarcasm, or any other brain disease, close this window now.. and continue with your boring little lives...

my post will be in english, malay, and manglish..... so if u wanna kutuk2 me, feel free to do it in any other language... (but u better hope i dont use google translate!)

So just relax, chill, talk about crap, and enjoy your roti kosong and teh tarik..
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Anonymous said...

bsuk got blog!!!!! haha! well said and done dude!

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