

A friend might be lying to ease your heart, but your enemy tells the truth regardless of your feelings.
Might be good to pay more attention to them dont you think??

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How can you make a choice in which you already know the outcome?

Making a choice that you would already know which one you will choose, meaning that your action is determined, predicable and the outcome has been identified without you even start to consider the options. Is that can be considered as ‘making a choice?’

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Bangang oh Bangang

Aku agak mesti korang pernah dengar lagu "bangau oh bangau  " kan?
Time kecik-kecik dulu mak bapak nenek moyang korang ajar lagu tu buat nyanyi bergembira.

Jom refresh jap. Ni lirik nye:-

Bangau, oh bangau,
Kenapa engkau kurus,
Macam mana aku tak kurus,
Ikan tak mahu timbul.

Ikan, oh ikan,
Kenapa kau tak timbul,
Macam mana aku tak timbul,
Rumput panjang sangat.

Rumput, oh rumput,
Kenapa panjang sangat,
Macam mana aku tak panjang
Kerbau tak makan aku.

Kerbau, oh kerbau,
Kenapa tak makan rumput,
Macam mana aku nak makan,
Perut aku sakit.

Perut, oh perut,
Kenapa engkau sakit,
Macam mana aku tak sakit,
Makan nasi mentah.

 Maksud lirik ni agak ketara. And that is budaya tuduh-menuduh.

I’m sure ramai yang pernah dengar or tau the negative message of this song gives.
But im gonna tell you my point of view.

1) Firstly, the obvious. lagu ni directly tunjuk budaya tuduh-menuduh. So, reflect kat masyarakat skarang. Ramai kan yang ikut budaya ni? This party tuduh party yang lain about causing a certain problems. Terlalu sibuk ngan tuduh-menuduh orang sampai otak dah penuh dengan kebebalan untuk actually start pikir jalan penyelesaian.

i dont know siapa yang reka lagu ni. And aku tak berani nak tuduh siapa salah, Because aku tak tau sama ada dia reka lagu ni berdasarkan atas kebebalan otak beliau, atau this is a form of sarcasm or a satire to the current society.

2) Secondly, si pengajar lagu nih. Thinkless adults. Aku tak faham kenapa diorang mengajar lagu-lagu ni kat bebudak. Maybe diorang tak process betul-betul the impact of this song towards their children. Or maybe diorang tau impact lagu tu but masih nak ajar lagu tu kat bebudak. Bak kata orang, nak melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya. Maksudnye, biar diorang diajar untuk menuduh orang lain, supaya bila diorang dah besar nanti dah pandai la nak tuduh orang atas kesilapan sendiri. But who knows.. haha.

3) Thirdly, yang diajar. Innocent children. Like I said before, aku tak tau the true intention of this song. Sama ada ia satu product kebebalan orang, atau ia satu sarcasm.
So, teliti that two possibilities. 

     i) If lagu ni dibuat oleh orang yang bebal.
then lagu ni diajar kat bebudak yang tak berapa pandai nak filter the negative atau tak tau itu satu kebebalan manusia. Sape jadi mangsa? The children.
     ii) If lagu ni dibuat sebagai sarcasm or satire.
 Adults yang mampu berfikir dapat pick-up yang lagu ni ada unsur parody/satire. And they get the hidden message. Thats okay. But what about the children yang tak mampu untuk paham what is parody, and take it literally? Metaphorically, macam mengajar diorang proses pembiakan manusia, tapi diorang pandang it as pornography. Siapa jadi mangsa? The children gak.

4) Finally, satu-satunya positive element yang aku boleh nampak dengan lagu ni, and that is curiosity. Budaya bertanya and budaya ingin tahu. Which is something that i personally think is important in this era.

But all in all, bende yang negative tu nampak lagi banyak dari yang positive. But I don’t know, tu hanya pendapat aku yang diproses menggunakan satu otak je.

Tapi bile aku dah ade anak sendiri nanti, memang aku takkan ajar beliau lagu ni. Meng-retarded-kan diri je. Lebih baik aku ajar beliau freestyle rapping. Haha..

further reading pasal bangau? check out:

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Admit that you were once stupid, means that you've grown wiser.
Admit that you were always smart, means that you never were.

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I Mourn..

"You grieve for a lost friend,Yet never appreciate them when they are alive and well. Thou I cannot say you never deserve a friend. So let me say this, I mourn for you more than i do for the dead"

It takes a loss for you to appreciate what you once had. And it takes a loss for you to realize the importance of it in your life. But while you had it, you fail to notice it, took it for granted. And when it’s finally gone, the absence has left an empty hole in you, and you scream to have it fill once again, but only to end up in vain. Yes, i do feel the loss, and i mourn it like any other should. Yet, i found that the mourner needs to be mourned more. Because what have been lost cannot be replaced or acquired again. And it cannot be undone. But the mourner, have the possibilities to repeat their mistakes.

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Sometimes, i lost my faith in humanity. And yes, I am saying this literally.

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A dictionary is useful. that i agree.. But knowing the definition is not enough...
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An 'awkward-moment' situation solution =

Look at phone, and pretend to answer the most important text message of your life!

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A movie that has car-chasing scenes must have a ‘run-over-a-fruit-stall’ scene.
If not, that isn’t a movie.

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Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

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Think about it... If everyone's special, then nobody actually is...

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Just because im acting like an idiot right now, doesnt mean that I am always one.
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It doesnt matter how well you explain yourself.
If the person listening to you is a dumbass, it is still a waste of time.
-my respond to Albert Einstein's quote

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If you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it well enough.
-Albert Einstein

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OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD.......said Yahoo! 
I see pictures of people celebrating..
Theres your proof. 
The power of mass media,
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